About Hadeem

Hadeem Contracting Co. was established and started its activity in the field of contracting in 1993. The Company started carrying out housing, commercial and administrative projects and proved high competence in all fields the thing that made it very famous and trustful in the field of contracting and the government ministries entrusted to it several projects confidently. These projects include:

  • Projects of the Ministry of Health: consist of 6 health centers in Qassim Region.
  • Projects of the Ministry of Higher Education: including Computer College in Mizahmiah, Engineering College in Kharj, Community Service College in Huraymila and other projects currently under study.
  • Projects of the Institute of Public Administration: including the institute of public administration in Al-Narjes district, Riyadh (Female) and The institute of public administration in Jeddah.

You can find more details about our projects in Projects Page

Company Datasheet

Trade name Hadeem Contracting Co. Ltd.
Date of Incorporation 29/12/1993
Name of the Company chairman and general manager Dr. Engineer/ Nasser Abdulaziz Almobarak
C. R. No. 1010244607
Date of C. R. 5/2/2009
Type of activity constructions general contracting (planning, designing, execution, maintenance, cleaning, operation and repairing)
Classification in the filed of contracting third grade from 1998 to 2010 and first grade in Jan 2011
Geographical location Riyadh,
Western Mohamadya Quarter,
Takhassusi Street,
South of Imam Mohammad Bin Saud Street.
Mail address P.O.Box 19648, Postal Code 11445
E-mail info@hadeem.com
Telephone +966 (1) 2077777
Fax +966 (1) 2074825
Banks which we deal with Rajhi Bank, Samba Bank, National Commercial Bank, SHBC and Saudi Hollandi Bank
No. of engineering cadres in the Company 195 engineers in various fields of specializations
No. of accounting and administrative cadres in the Company 90
No. of technical manpower under the Company sponsorship 430
No. of non-technical manpower under the Company sponsorship 713
The total number of the Company employees 1428
Total number of the Company contractual work force  2685
Total price of projects under construction 000,000,000

Details of the Company owner

Name Dr. Engineer/ Nasser Abdulaziz Almobarak
Current title Chairman and General Manager of Hadeem Contracting Co. Ltd
Academic qualification Bachelor degree of architecture, King Saud University in 1985.

Master degree of architecture, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 1988

Master degree of citiy and regional planning, University of Pennsylvania , USA, 1992

PhD of city planning, University of Pennsylvania, USA, 1993.